FileMaker Security practices

A lot of user actions/practices can make a FileMaker solution more secure.

FileMaker has a security level that is usually file specific.

There are some small things that can be considered while making an application more secure and unadultered from external threats :- (more…)

Optimization of FileMaker Applications

Query Optimization in FileMaker:
Everybody always thinking of use/design a good application which gives them a faster processing and better output but what is the way to get that? It’s “Optimization” which is nothing but the process of making your query request BETTER and FASTER. An efficient application is that which give faster output to your query. As a database application FileMaker solutions must goes under query optimization to make the solution an efficient application. So here there are some descriptions how we can make our FileMaker application queries optimize.

What is query optimization?
Optimization comes from Latin meaning “making it better”. So Query Optimization is nothing but making a script better and faster.

What is Query Optimization in FileMaker?
As FileMaker is a relational database and the query script used in FM is purely depend on relationships and layouts on which the query execute. So optimization of query in FileMaker is nothing but optimizing our database definitions, relationships, layouts as well as script statements/steps.

To target the optimization we need to follow below 4 steps:

  •  Well-defined Database Definition
  •  Perfect Relationships
  •  Best Layouts
  •  Optimized Scripts


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